martes, 9 de octubre de 2007

Long Journey towards Taipei!

(English Version below)

Minha rota: Sao Paulo – Johanesburg – Hong Kong – Taipei!

Cheguei no sabado, final da manha, no aeroporto internacional de Hong Kong e faltavam aproximadamente 2 horas para finalmente chegar em Taipei! Estava ansioso, afinal esperei um mes para sair a por^#*#% do visto!!!

Entretanto, a grande noticia do dia foi: "Todos os voos para Taipei foram cancelados devido a um forte TUFAO que passa por Taiwan nesse final de semana!" Hahahahaha… comecei a rir na mesma hora! Sabia que iria encontrar tufao e terremotos, mas nao imaginei que seria tao cedo!

Bem, as instrucoes da companhia aerea eram de que deveriamos esperar ate o dia seguinte para termos noticias sobre as condicoes do tempo em Taipei. Caso as condicoes melhorassem, viajariamos no dia seguinte.

Resumo da opera: passei mais de 24 horas no aeroporto de Hong Kong e passei uma bela noite de sono no chao mesmo!! Hahaha… A minha sorte eh que o aeroporto de HK eh um dos mais lindos que ja vi!
Muuuito grande, internet e grandes salas de TV disponiveis, lojas e lojas alem de restaurantes muuito bons! Ao menos a empresa nos pagou as refeicoes, o que foi o meu inicio na exploracao do mundo da comida oriental, em territorio asiatico!

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My journey: Sao Paulo – Johanesburg – Hong Kong – Taipei!

I arrived on Saturday morning at the international airport in Hong Kong and I was about to reach Taipei in nearly 2 hours! I was quite anxious to get there, due to the fact that I waited for about 1 month to get my fuc%*#^ VISA! Hahaha

The news of the day was: "All flights to Taipei were cancelled due to a strong Typhoon that is now in Taiwan this weekend!" Hahahahaha… I started to laught right when I heard it. I knew I was going to face typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, but I did not know it would be so soon!!

Well, the instructions from the airline company were that we needed to wait untill the next day in order to receive updated information about the weather in Taipei. If the conditions were better, we could fly on Sunday afternoon.

Summary of what happened: I spent more than 24 hours in Hong Kong airport and I had a beautifull night of sleep on the floor!! Hahaha… I was lucky that HK airport is one of the most beautiful airports I have ever seen! Quite big, internet and TV rooms available, many shops and great restaurants. At least, the air company paid us for the meals, what made me explore chinese food for the first time in Asian territory!