jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2007

My first day at work

Meu primeiro dia de trabalho

(English version below)

Meu primeiro dia de trabalho foi bem interessante. Membros da AIESEC me acompanharam da minha casa ateh o escritorio, explicando como funciona o onibus e o metro em Taipei, e me apresentaram a empresa!

O predio onde fica meu escritorio fica conectado diretamente com uma estacao do metro (como se fosse o Shopping Santa Cruz e a estacao do metro, para quem conhece Sao Paulo). Super bem localizado, em uma das principais avenidas de Taipei e com uma academia no 3o andar! Rsrsrs Ha uma vista bem bonita da janela do 17 andar do escritorio!

Aqui vai uma foto das redondezas... O predio mais alto do mundo - Taipei 101, com mais de 500 metros de altura - fica relativamente perto.

Meu chefe (Homing Huan, ex CEO da Hewlett Packard – HP) me apresentou a empresa e logo reuniu os consultores e gerentes de projeto para me fazerem um update sobre os clientes e projetos atuais. Dois dos consultores que vou trabalhar sao alumni da AIESEC! Uma foi MCP e o outro MCVP da AIESEC Taiwan! Eles estao responsaveis por acompanhar minha adaptacao na empresa!

Ha muita coisa ainda para contar sobre meu ambiente de trabalho e experiencias por aqui.. Aguardem!

My first day at work

My first day at work was pretty interesting. Members of AIESEC TPLC (Emily and Evangela, if I am not mistaken) took me from my house to the office, explaining to me how public transportation works and introduced me to the company!

The building where I work is connected to a metro station, what makes it very convenient! In a very nice neighborhood – on one of the biggest avenues in Taipei – the office provides a beautiful view of the city from the windows in the 17th floor where it is placed.
Take a look at the picture above of the surrounding area of the office. The tallest building in the worl - Taipei 101, more than 500 meters high - is relatively near.

My boss (Homing Huan, PhD, former CEO of Hewlett Packard – HP and member of AIESEC in Taiwan Board of Advisors) is a great person and he introduced me to the company and consultants in this morning, drinking some green tea. I was updated about the main projects and initiatives in the company, what was also very important.

Another very nice thing is that two of the consultants I work with are AIESEC alumni! Sandy, former MCP and James, former MCVP both of AIESEC in Taiwan. They are great people and are responsible for my adaptation process, since they know pretty well the organization I come from! Hahaha…
Well, there is a lot to say about my working environment and soon you will get to know the other consultants I work with and how is the routine in the office!
Wait for next posts! ;)

Where is Coelho working?

"Onde o Coelho esta trabalhando?"
(English version below)

Para quem nao sabe exatamente a resposta para esta pergunta, aih vai! Estou trabalhando em uma empresa de consultoria em gestao de negocios chamada Atelligent Global Consulting (www.atelligent.com), com escritorios em Taipei, Shanghai, Londres e New Jersey. Alem de oferecer servicos de consultoria em marketing & branding, market research, CRM, business diagnosis, change management, executive development e human capital planning, a consultoria tem um foco em internacionalizar empresas americanas e europeias no mercado da grande China (Mainland China, Taiwan e Hong Kong).

A consultoria surgiu em 2003 e foi fundada por 3 ex-CEOs de grandes empresas em Taiwan (Como o Sr. Homing Huan, ex presidente da HP). Pequena e em crescimento, a empresa conta com consultores muito experientes, o que vai me proporcionar a chance de trabalhar de perto com eles.
Sou o mais junior daqui e estou basicamente – nesta fase inicial – aprendendo sobre os clientes, industrias e mercados que eles mais trabalham, para posteriormente estar mais envolvido na entrega dos projetos em si! Alem do grande aprendizado em Taipei, terei a oportunidade de viajar para a China Continental quando houver alguma etapa de entrega de projeto lah.
“Where the hell is Coelho working???”

For the ones who have made
this question and still do not know the answer, here it goes!
I am working at a management consulting company called Atelligent Global Consulting (
www.atelligent.com), with offices in Taipei, Shanghai, London and New Jersey. Besides offering consulting services in marketing & branding, CRM, business diagnosis, change management, executive development and human capital planning, the company has a strong focus on international business, facilitating market expansion in the Greater China market and help Taiwanese companies going global!

The firm was established in 2003 and funded by prestigous and experiences corporate leaders. One of them is Mr. Homing Huan, who I mentioned earlier. A small but growing company, Atelligent has very experienced consultans from whom I intend to learn from in the following year.
I am the youngest in the company and I am basically – in this initial stage – learning about the industry and clients, as well as contributing to marketing research and any other demand from the consultants. The more I learn Mandarin, the more I will be able to be enrolled in project deliveries.

1st Breakfast in Taipei!

O café da manha em Taipei
(English version Below)

Em frente a casa onde estava morando temporariamente ( na regiao metropolitan de Taipei, 1,5h longe de onde trabalho), fica um restaurante que funciona das 23:00 as 10:00. Eh lah que estou tomando meu café da manha, todos os dias! Descobri que o café da manha taiwanes eh delicioso!!!

Dificil descrever, mas esse suco e a comida sao muito especiais e deliciosos! Seguem algumas fotos para voces terem uma ideia do restaurante e da comida:

Breakfast in Taipei

In front of the house I was living temporarily (Taipei County, about 1 hour and a half of where I work), there is a restaurant that works all the night and serves breakfast in the morning. It is the place I had my breakfast in the first week in Taiwan, everyday. Very curious about what kind of food I was going to find, I discovered that Taiwanese breakfast is delicious!

A little hard to describe, but the juice and food is special and delicious! Check out the pictures of the restaurant and food above.

The arrival...

A chegada

(English version below)

Bem, com essa rota toda por 3 continentes + mais diferenca de fuso de 11 horas + tufao = mais de 3 dias sem tomar banho!!! Chegou num ponto em que o lenco refrescante do aviao no pescoco nao dava mais jeito! O desodorante venceu e eu tentava de tudo para ficar menos de 1 metro de distancia das pessoas…. Abrir os bracos entao, nem pensar!! Rsrsrs…

Foi nesse contexto que cheguei ao aeroporto com 6 membros do TPLC (Taipei University AIESEC Local Committee) com uma faixa enorme me esperando!! Rsrsrs… nao deu para demonstrar o calor da cultura brasileira e eh obvio que nao abracei ninguem!! Mostrei minha alegria de outros modos e seguimos em frente!

Alem de toda a felicidade de chegar em Taipei (finalmente), fiquei ainda mais contente quando me fizeram um convite official: ser Chair da Conferencia Nacional da AIESEC Taiwan em Janeiro!!! WWooww!!! Ser chair de um congresso com mais de 350 delegados na Asia eh uma experiencia que certamente queria viver!

Bem, fui logo tomar um banho ao chegar na casa de meu host temporario (ex LCP de TPLC e OCP do Congresso Nacional de Janeiro) e saimos para minha primeira em Taiwan! Fomos a um restaurante bem diferente! Voce se serve a vontade colocando no prato itens de uma sopa (verdures, carne, noodles, etc). Chegando na mesa, coloca os ingredientes que voce escolheu dentro de uma panela acoplada a mesa e ajusta a temperatura da agua em um controle individual; espere ferver sua sopa, adicione o tempero e pronto!! Delicioso e barato!

Esse foi meu primeiro dia… a jet lag estava ainda forte e dormi em um dos meus sonos mais profundos logo apos a comida…

Mais registros em muito breve! Cuidem-se e um enorme beijo!


The Arrival

Well, with this long journey in 3 continents + time zone difference of 11 hours + Typhoon = more than 3 days without taking a shower!!! I reached a level in which the typical freshening tissue was not enough anymore! The deodorant expired and I was trying all I could to stay at least 1 meter away from people… Open wide arms or hug people, NO WAY! Hahaha

It was in this context that I arrived at the airport, with 6 members from AIESEC Taipei University (TPLC) with a huge banner waiting for me! Hehehe… of course I could not show how warm Brazilian culture is and obviously I did not hug anyone!! I tried to show my happiness in other ways and we moved on.

(Picture above)

Besides all happiness and joy of finally arriving at Taipei City, I became even happier when they made me an official invitation: be the Chair of AIESEC in Taiwan National Conference in January!!! WWWoooWWW! Chair a congress with over 350 delegates in Asia is certainly an experience I wanted to live! Thanks a lot Jessica, the whole MC team and TPLC for giving me this big responsibility and opportunity!

As soon as I arrived in the house of my temporary host (ex LCP from TPLC and OCP of next National Congress, Dani Wu), I took a shower and we all left for my first dinner in Taiwan. We went to a pretty different restaurant, Japanese style. You serve all you can eat putting ingredients from a soup in your plate (vegetables, meat, noodles, etc). After you get back to your table, you put the ingredients you chose inside a bowl that is inserted in your table, right in front of you. There is an individual mechanism to adjust the temperature of the water; wait till your soup is ready, add the sauce and EAT! Delicious and not so expensive.

(Picture above)

Well, this was my first day… Jet lag was still pretty strong and I had one of my deepest nights of sleep after this dinner.

More stories soon… Take care, bye!

martes, 9 de octubre de 2007

Long Journey towards Taipei!

(English Version below)

Minha rota: Sao Paulo – Johanesburg – Hong Kong – Taipei!

Cheguei no sabado, final da manha, no aeroporto internacional de Hong Kong e faltavam aproximadamente 2 horas para finalmente chegar em Taipei! Estava ansioso, afinal esperei um mes para sair a por^#*#% do visto!!!

Entretanto, a grande noticia do dia foi: "Todos os voos para Taipei foram cancelados devido a um forte TUFAO que passa por Taiwan nesse final de semana!" Hahahahaha… comecei a rir na mesma hora! Sabia que iria encontrar tufao e terremotos, mas nao imaginei que seria tao cedo!

Bem, as instrucoes da companhia aerea eram de que deveriamos esperar ate o dia seguinte para termos noticias sobre as condicoes do tempo em Taipei. Caso as condicoes melhorassem, viajariamos no dia seguinte.

Resumo da opera: passei mais de 24 horas no aeroporto de Hong Kong e passei uma bela noite de sono no chao mesmo!! Hahaha… A minha sorte eh que o aeroporto de HK eh um dos mais lindos que ja vi!
Muuuito grande, internet e grandes salas de TV disponiveis, lojas e lojas alem de restaurantes muuito bons! Ao menos a empresa nos pagou as refeicoes, o que foi o meu inicio na exploracao do mundo da comida oriental, em territorio asiatico!

--- / / ---

My journey: Sao Paulo – Johanesburg – Hong Kong – Taipei!

I arrived on Saturday morning at the international airport in Hong Kong and I was about to reach Taipei in nearly 2 hours! I was quite anxious to get there, due to the fact that I waited for about 1 month to get my fuc%*#^ VISA! Hahaha

The news of the day was: "All flights to Taipei were cancelled due to a strong Typhoon that is now in Taiwan this weekend!" Hahahahaha… I started to laught right when I heard it. I knew I was going to face typhoons, hurricanes and earthquakes, but I did not know it would be so soon!!

Well, the instructions from the airline company were that we needed to wait untill the next day in order to receive updated information about the weather in Taipei. If the conditions were better, we could fly on Sunday afternoon.

Summary of what happened: I spent more than 24 hours in Hong Kong airport and I had a beautifull night of sleep on the floor!! Hahaha… I was lucky that HK airport is one of the most beautiful airports I have ever seen! Quite big, internet and TV rooms available, many shops and great restaurants. At least, the air company paid us for the meals, what made me explore chinese food for the first time in Asian territory!